Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Perplexed Feeling of a Benign Individual

October 8, 2011

As he was walking adrift in a dark alley thinking of the complexities of his life, an old woman approached him asking for coins. With nothing left but 25 php, still engrossed with the thought of how his day ended, he reluctantly gave 5 pesos. The woman then whispered, "Bless you child, your mom must be really proud of you, and your girlfriend is lucky". He felt guilty knowing that he was hesitant in giving her the 5 peso coin, so he just faked a laugh and said "I really do hope SHE knows how lucky she is." Hoping that the woman won't get it, she smiled and told a poignant story about herself and her boyfriend back when she was still 23 years old.

"My son, (she called the boy 'anak') his name was Joseph. He was tall, dark, and handsome. We were in a relationship for a year, but I became insipid and bored, so I broke up with him and even though it was very difficult for him, he respected my decision. I went back to my hometown and stayed there for 8 months. Then I became forlorn, I was very confused if I should go back to Cebu or not. 'I missed my Joseph, he was very sweet and kind.' So there I was.... I swallowed my pride, I went back to Cebu only to find out Joseph died. He died of tuberculosis. At first I didn't believe it, but his brother asked me to visit his grave and gave me a letter, a letter made from my Joseph. I was shocked, I thought it was only a joke, then reality became so clear to me when I read his letter. "Linda, I miss you so much. I still have no idea why you broke up with me, I'm very sad that our relationship ended without me knowing the reason why. I'm sick right now, and all I need is you. I love you so much, please remember that." I cried my heart out, I'm remorseful until now.... Never take someone for granted my son."

It took her 20 minutes to finish her story. He then said "Lola I really need to go". The old woman returned the 5 peso coin he gave her and said "know your worth my son". He said "no la, take it", but the old woman walked away.

I was shocked, was the old woman crazy? I seriously don't have any idea. I went home afterwards, and right now I'm making this blog.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


When God gives, he gives A LOT. He gave me blessings, and one of which I'm talking about is the opportunity for me to join iLearners inc. I've heard about this organization last year and I was so interested that time because helping unfortunate kids is one of my endeavors in life. Joining this made me realize that iLearners opens a lot of doors for me. I've met new peeps, most of them are young professionals and it just fascinates me that they still have the time to lend a helping hand, be of greater service for humanity. (TSAR)

Last June 4,2011 was the traditional "day before" packing for "brighter future". Brighter Future is an annual outreach project of iLearners inc, its purpose is to give out school supplies for the kids in Lunas Elementary School (Car Car) and Kaluangan (Asturias). These schools are considered to be the poorest in terms of facilities, number of enrollees and availability of teachers according to DepEd.
The packing was held at Nayki Cagulada's residence (A BOTof iLearners inc. and a great friend of mine). We started at 2 in the afternoon and ended around 8:25 in the evening. A total of 121 bags were packed, ready for Sunday's outreach.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Season 10 American Idol is...

So as predicted, SCOTTY MCCREERY is the 10th proclaimed American Idol. I have to say the finale was awesome, it didn't bore me to death compared to last year's. I'm still disappointed but I know AMERICA made the wrong choice. I'm pretty sure they'd hate McCreery in the later years because no one would even dare to like country music, especially his old-school/ hat-act like style. He would turn out like Taylor Hicks, and Lauren would sell more albums because her pop-country style is more favorable.

This goes to show that AI isn't a TALENT SHOW but more on a POPULARITY CONTEST. How about they change the show's style, like instead of having only the viewer's vote, the judges would also participate because I just despise the fact that whoever has the charisma, whether it'll be the looks or the appeal, wins the show even though there are some who're more deserving and who work their ass's off but fail because of young obsess teenage girls who don't give a damn about talent and how much this thing means to the contestant. (PFFFTTT.)

I'm amazed how dialidol never failed to prove how credible they are. I just found out about dial idol during Cook's batch (season 7) and I thought it was rubbish but it definitely stayed in its spot as my top 1 spoiler.

Season 4

Season 5

Season 7 (I've no idea why season 6's results weren't there in their website)

Season 8

Season 9

Monday, May 23, 2011

Am I the only country genre hater?

The answer would be no but after what happened last thursday's results show of AI, it's either the show is scripted or it's the year of the country-ish losers. Scotty is the reason why I despise country genre, and I don't know if I should be happy that he's the one chosen for the "votefortheworst". I have no idea why he's not yet eliminated, I thought he wouldn't make it pass top 11.

This season's panel of judges is the worst, worse than Paula Abdul and Ellen Degeneres. Jennifer Lopez and Steven Tyler are great singers but when it's time for them to comment on a contestant's rendition, loads of crap is spitting right off their own mouths. I never heard J-lo or Steven giving a harsh comment, constructive criticism to be exact that can possibly help the other contestants other than their usual "ego boost", but these ego boosts can either make or break them which I think is the main reason why James and Pia got eliminated in the first place. Don't get me started with Randy who kept on saying "SCOTTY IS IN IT TO WIN IT, LAUREN IS IN IT TO WIN IT!" This fat douche bag is supposed to be the acting 'Simon Cowell' but nah, he just blasted his own self to oblivion because of his predictable comments like "it's a lil bit pitchy" or "I don't know mannn", is 'pitchy' even a word in the music industry?, hey retard, it's called "OUT OF TUNE". I miss Kara DioGuardi. She was (IMO) the girl version of Simon Cowell, who gave a tough time for the contestants in the past couple of seasons.

So my bet goes to Lauren Alaina. Sad to say I find her overrated, but she's a million times better than Scotty who nailed the votes of the Grand nannies and young teenage girls. Hopefully Lauren gets Haley's votes. LAUREN FTW!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Old Cul-De-Sac

This is probably the gayest place I've ever visited (lewls) but it's classy and cozy so I'll rate this a 9 out of 10. Old Cul-De-Sac is located at Sto. Nino Village near USC Talamban Campus, an hour away from my crib. We were supposed to have our iLearners school campaign at USC but the 5:30 schedule ended early so Nayki, Shimmer and I decided to eat Kwek2x and just chill for a while.
The place is not crowded so it's an ideal place for lovers to have a date. The music is what I love in this cafe because it's romantic-ish, no RnBs, Rock, or hiphop, just pure love songs.
The food was OH-SO-YUMMEYYY. I had aromatic fish and it's worth only 180 php so it's pretty much affordable for students also. The best thing about it is that it's already a set dish so you'll have a pre-course meal and dessert that suits your taste.
If you want to check out the rest of the images, just visit my Facebook page.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Just last Saturday, my mom bought us a Canon EOS 500D DSLR. I took some amateur shots and after taking 50 photos, I finally decided to take it to another level (lewls). From a kid's perspective, I can definitely say I have the innovative mind to be a promising photographer but skills wise, (o_o) I just suck at it. I can't recall already what my computer teacher discussed about adobe photoshop. I was not interested with gadgets, computer works and whatnot during that time. I'm regretting it and now I'm having a difficult time contacting photographers to teach me how to use a simple lasso tool!

Back when I was still daydreaming about having a DSLR camera, I used to look at pictures of my friends writing their names using a flashlight or what they call "graffiti lights". I envied them a lot, and now that I already own one... learning how to do graffiti lights was my first objective as a NOOBISH photographer. I was carried away. I even wrote down iLearners inc. members' names and tagged them in facebook. I was so glad some of them appreciated my suckISH handwriting and even made the picture as their display photo. I'll improve this and hopefully I'll join CDP (in my dreams, LEWLS).

Saturday, May 14, 2011

top 4 = JINX?

The shocking elimination last night was definitely an outrage! James Durbin was booted off the competition after delivering two great performances last Wednesday. This happened before back in season 5. Chris Daughtry was also booted off in the top 4 week, which was a jaw dropper also knowing that he was THE crowd's favorite. Simon Cowell quoted before "Usually, the early favorite doesn't win", and now it's a fact already. James was an early favorite, he was never in the bottom 3, and was the judge's bet. My two favorites didn't even make it to the top 3. I thought it was a Pia vs. James finale but definitely I'M WRONG. So the competition boils down to 2 country genre singers, and 1 Jazzy soul vibe contestant.

Both Lauren Alaina and Scotty Mccreery are country singers. Country IS (IMO) the WORST genre in the music industry. I like Lauren, but I think she's just a 6 out of 10. Scotty is overrated. I seriously don't like his performances, his voice, and his FACE! I know I'm being harsh but I just think he doesn't deserve the top 3 spot, and I also know that I'm taking this personally already, but Idol means so much to me (LOLS) and I always bet the wrong one.
I can't imagine what it would be like in the finale if it's a Scotty vs. Lauren. My ears would probably bleed. What's wrong with America?, and what's with SCOTTY??? I've been asking that since top 13. So my bet goes to Haley Reinhart.

This jazzy, soul vibe singer is probably the 'dark horse' in the competition. She was in the bottom 3 for many times, but she survived and was given the chance to showcase 3 songs next week. I like her voice and personality. Her only problem is her song choices. The judges were harsh on her, especially Randy. He thinks that Haley is still confused with the kind of artist she is. If I were her, I'd say "Back-off n@$*#". I mean, can they just have a week without worrying about 'what kind of artist they are' and just sing 'what they think is good for them'? Haley is my American Idol, and I just wish it would be a Haley vs. Lauren finale. I hope I'll be right this time... HALEY FTW!

Saturday, May 7, 2011


GECCOS or Gathering of Enthusiastic Cebuano Cosplayers in cooperation with iLearners inc. organized a cosplay event last May 7,2011 at Family Park, Talamaban Cebu.

It was actually my first time to witness a cosplay event, too bad I'm not wearing an attire, otherwise you'd see me flaunting an Ash, or Aang, or L costume. The iLearners inc. members were assigned for the registration booth. I was amazed because there were so many of them (cosplayers). There was even a Lady Gaga inspired cosplayer (IKR, LMAO). I arrived there at 7 in the morning because Faith texted me to come early because as "staffs", we're supposed to take care of things and to be oriented already but as usual, 7 is never 7, but 8. I met a lot of cool peeps like Mich, Faith, Dave, Zanjo, Florida, Angeli, Garry (GECCOS founder) and etc. They were so fun to hang out with but unfortunately, I went home early because I had to do some errands and my headache was killing me already.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

me and my best bud

So, I'm here again at cbtl doing my usual thing, enjoying my pure double chocolate with my best bud - Macky! I've been hanging out with this white dude for almost everyday already. My sister talked to me yesterday and asked if she could have macky and in exchange, I'll get the dslr. Of course, I refused. I love macky even though he's still a month and a half years old, he grew into me already.
Since I promised to you last week that I 'll update a blog about Seattle's best, unfortunately, I couldn't find the time to go to Ayala due to home works and research. History and English methodology is killing me! I don't hate the subject, I hate the teacher. History tortures me everyday, the teacher keeps on giving exams even though we haven't discussed the chapter yet. English methodology bores me to death. Seriously, both teachers are so incompetent. My history teacher keeps on saying "hmmm" after every 3 words of a sentence. What's good about it is that I don't fall asleep in her class because I'm busy mocking her inside my head. Rizal could've been better if the teacher was fun and somewhat energetic. Everyday she looks as if she woke up on the wrong side of the bed. To make it worse, she keeps on calling me but she's the one who answers it, she always puts me on the spot.

My english teacher is sooooooooooooooooooo boring. It's like he's talking to himself and he's the only one laughing about his corny jokes. I still find the subject awesome though, but it sucks all my luxury time at home. Even now, after making this blog I have to go back to rewriting my review of related literature. I have two weeks left for this and I still have to make seven entries. It sucks to be me, oh wait, hahaha for a second there I thought I was saying it right, IT SUCKS TO BE A STUDENT!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Berry mcflurry!

Another blog entry that doesn't relate with events. Fine, I guess this wouldn't be called an events blog anymore (grin.)
Blackberry much? It still has plastic on its screen, I don't want it to get smudgy. Just wanted to share this picture coz AGAIN, I have nothing to do here in cbtl. I'm naming my blackberry BERRY MCFLURRY, just call her BERRY =], isn't it awesome that it rhymes with MACKY? BWAHAHAHA

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf

Seriously, this blog is supposed to be about events, but I just can't avoid changing routes. So, I've been roaming around Cebu city lately to find some interesting spots, places I can either study or chill for a while. I've read some blogs about coffee shops, resto bars and etc. already and I just can't find the perfect place to go to. So I tried cbtl or The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf in IT park, Ayala Terraces, and SM Northwing and I just love the environment inside this cozy coffee shop.

I know this sounds stupid but I just googled these pics. I still don't have an slr, and it sucks coz I guess my mom will buy it for my sister since I already have a macbook (the bad part of having a sibling.) I already have an adobe photoshop on macky and I'm a blogger, yet my ate gets the lucky freakin CAMERA, BOOOO!

Well enough about my misfortunes, cbtl... To be compared with Starbucks and Bo's coffee, I prefer this one. Bo's doesn't have outlets for you to charge your lappys, Starbuck's wifi isn't free and it's a lil bit loud there. I haven't tried Seattle's best though, but I heard it's a place for bloggers. The bad part about it is that you only get 2 hours of free wife, and a lil bit pricey too, Imma try it next week though.

The first cbtl branch I went to was in IT park a few weeks ago when we had a meeting for iLearners. I purchased their swirl rewards card to earn points. For every 100 php purchase of any cbtl drinks, you get 5 points. 5 points equate to 5 php, so the more points you have, the bigger the chances for you to win a house & lot. KIDDING, but you can use this to buy drinks and etc.

Oh wait, my bad, the first cbtl branch I went to was in Robinsons cybergate, but I just went with my friend Dame last year when she wanted me to tutor her in math. I've tried their pure vanilla, Pure double chocolate, hot vanilla, and hot double chocolate. I don't drink coffees, so I only settle for Ice blended, fraps, and hot chocolates. Espresso is definitely a NO NO for me. I'm so dizzy right now, I'm just making this blog because I have nothing to do here in cbtl. Imma update another blog about Seattle's best next week.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

A week of sacrifices and stomach aches

Holy Week 2011 is probably the best vacay I had in 15 years, well it's because of macky and smarty who were with me the whole week, (Incase you didn't know, I named my macbook macky and my smart bro smarty LMAO.) As usual, I spent my holy week in Bohol because of family obligations and traditions. My first blog entry was about holy week 2010, (happy anniversary bloggy HAHA), the only difference is that my sister, nephew and nanny were with us already. So lemme post some pics here for you to enjoy! ^_^
DAY 1 (Lunesanto)

Lite shipping's management sucks (I hope I won't get sued for this), we arrived at pier 1 at 7:15 am and they told us the ship broke down so they had to make some adjustments and asked us to go to Oano Wharf in Mandaue. We were pissed because we only had 30 minutes left to spare. Good thing we arrived there on time, to make it worse, the ship they sent us to didn't even have tourist decks. (ARTE much? =])

The pic above is an example of me being an advocate of cleanliness (ironically.) I started doing this last 3 years ago after watching "message in a bottle." I had to write something, especially what happened a fortnight ago. I do hope someone reads the letter, I even wrote down my own number incase someone does.

We stayed at my Aunt Marie's crib. There were no net connections that day because I was nowhere near civilization.

Day 2 (I can't remember the exact term in Bisaya for Tuesday)

We had grocery shopping at Island City Mall because we ought to stay at my Great grandma's house.

He's such a cutie right? That's my nephew Nathan Joe Tyrel, I love him so much, that's why I gave my fave cap to him (the one he's wearing on the pic.)

That's my Great Grandma's house. It's one of the oldest houses in Panglao, or even the entire Bohol province. Everything inside that huge house is already 80 years old.

Day 3 (Myerkulesanto)

The food there was OH SO YUMMY. Home made cook is the best, we had sikwate, puto,bud bud for breakfast. Imma post all the images my ate took of the food we had there.

That's Sta. Cleofe. She was given by the Spaniards who colonized the country to my great great great and to the nth time grandma decades ago. I'm the next one who'll carry on the tradition (I think), she's probably even worth a hundred gran because she's already antique. My grandma told my mom to take care of this saint because it's her price possession. Well, not exactly my mom, but to her siblings as well, but they all went to the states already and my mom was left here in the Philippines to continue the tradition. My cousins definitely don't have the time to visit the Philippines, so it's ME and probably my sister(if she'll pass the board exams, and will go to the states as well, then I'm all alone) who'll continue this.

And that's me helping Nanay and Ate Bing. (I never knew I could be so helpful HAHA)

That's me again, helping in the town's procession.

St. Veronica

St. Magdalene

St. Salume

St. John



Mother Mary


St. Peter

I had eczema during that day, it was UBER itchy. It just ruined my mood for 2 straight days.

Dat 4 (Huwebessanto)

Nothing special that day, we went to ICM again to buy some stuff. My mom bought me a no fear sling bag, dad bought me a bag for macky also. We were supposed to go to church, but my dad didn't want to. I'm so sleepy already here at Coffee Bean, I need to finish this coz I still have 4 chapters to study for tomorrow's exam =\.

Day 5 (Byernesanto)


People in Bohol are so religious. There were about 7-8 thousand devotees in St. Agustine Parish Church.

The procession during Byernesanto was like a death march. Lucky me I survived a 2.5 kilometer procession. I had asthma right after it.

Day 6 (Sabado de Gloria)

Of course, a vacation wouldn't be fun if you won't spend it in a resort or somewhere relaxing. We went to my Aunt Auring's crib, my favorite part of the week because of the POOL.

Aunt's crib is a paradise. The land area there is over 2,300 + sq. meters. If you wanna check out the entire house, go to my fb page.

We had lunch there and food was all over the place. Right after, we went back to Panglao to watch 'sugat'.

The sugat there is very interesting also. I've heard rumors that the best place to watch for a SUGAT is in Minglanilia, I'm pretty sure they haven't seen Panglao's SUGAT yet. I was hit by a motorcycle during that night because the driver was drunk. I almost died, good thing I quickly moved away otherwise I might've lost my left knee. I still want to post the food pics my ate took but I'm seriously sleepy already. ~_~