Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Perplexed Feeling of a Benign Individual

October 8, 2011

As he was walking adrift in a dark alley thinking of the complexities of his life, an old woman approached him asking for coins. With nothing left but 25 php, still engrossed with the thought of how his day ended, he reluctantly gave 5 pesos. The woman then whispered, "Bless you child, your mom must be really proud of you, and your girlfriend is lucky". He felt guilty knowing that he was hesitant in giving her the 5 peso coin, so he just faked a laugh and said "I really do hope SHE knows how lucky she is." Hoping that the woman won't get it, she smiled and told a poignant story about herself and her boyfriend back when she was still 23 years old.

"My son, (she called the boy 'anak') his name was Joseph. He was tall, dark, and handsome. We were in a relationship for a year, but I became insipid and bored, so I broke up with him and even though it was very difficult for him, he respected my decision. I went back to my hometown and stayed there for 8 months. Then I became forlorn, I was very confused if I should go back to Cebu or not. 'I missed my Joseph, he was very sweet and kind.' So there I was.... I swallowed my pride, I went back to Cebu only to find out Joseph died. He died of tuberculosis. At first I didn't believe it, but his brother asked me to visit his grave and gave me a letter, a letter made from my Joseph. I was shocked, I thought it was only a joke, then reality became so clear to me when I read his letter. "Linda, I miss you so much. I still have no idea why you broke up with me, I'm very sad that our relationship ended without me knowing the reason why. I'm sick right now, and all I need is you. I love you so much, please remember that." I cried my heart out, I'm remorseful until now.... Never take someone for granted my son."

It took her 20 minutes to finish her story. He then said "Lola I really need to go". The old woman returned the 5 peso coin he gave her and said "know your worth my son". He said "no la, take it", but the old woman walked away.

I was shocked, was the old woman crazy? I seriously don't have any idea. I went home afterwards, and right now I'm making this blog.

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